Saturday, September 13, 2014

I can show you the door, but you must choose to walk through.

    There is this door, it looks exactly how you imagine it does. There is no right or wrong way to see it, and there is no right or wrong way to get to it. The door is always there waiting for you to walk through; whenever you are ready. It's always open; so you never have to worry about finding a key to unlock it. Depending on your life situation though, your path may be longer or more difficult to get to than others' paths. But that doesn't mean that you won't or can't find it. 

    Through out the semester, I am going to help you learn the skills to find your door (so to speak), so when you are ready; all you have to do is choose to walk through it. I have been practicing these very same Law of Attraction methods I am going to introduce to you for over six years. I know that it works. Countless others also live by these same methods, and it is through them I have found my own way to encompass these methods to fit into my life. We come from all different walks of life; so what works for some may not work for others, and vice-versa. You will have to find what works best for you, and your lifestyle. I had many questions about this as I was learning about the Law of Attraction, as I hope you will too. It would only be natural to question this new way of thinking. 

   I will ask that you keep an open mind as I go forth in discussing this with you, because it is not what most of us are used to thinking. You will also have to be willing to "try" it out. The only fair way to judge something is by trying it ourselves. Only then can we make a fair assessment about something new. I will be talking about how to use the Law of Attraction in the most common areas of interest, such as, relationships, finances, attitude, and any others that are relevant as the semester progresses. We all make choices every single day, but why not choose the good feeling ones? 

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