Tuesday, September 23, 2014

This is for the Naysayers

        I recently read an interesting article by a guy that talks about why the law of attraction doesn't work for some. He says that it is not just about our intention to manifest what we want, but it's the energy that we put out that goes with the intention that makes it work. For instance, if we say we want a car, better health, a mansion, etc. That's fine and dandy, but where's the energy that is put into those wants? I once heard a joke about a man who asked God everyday. "God let me win the lottery" he asked this over and over. Finally, God speaks and says "my Son, go buy a ticket." We can't just sit around wishing and wanting. We must put energy into the things we want.
      The Law of Attraction is not meant to be taken as a Genie in a bottle granting your wishes. It doesn't work like that. What about kids? They are not born with doubt. We put the doubt in their minds. If they were not raised to believe they couldn't have what they wanted, they would always have it. But, even still; they are great at manifesting what they want anyway. They ask for it, and if they don't get it when they want it; they make a fuss until they get it. They not only have the intent to get it, they do what they have to to get it. And they put in the energy to get it.
     I am going to use an example from the author's article that I find to be a great way to look at the law of attraction and intent on manifesting in a way you might understand better. "Consider how electricity works.  The electrons are already sitting there in the wires of your home, and they start flowing when you flip a switch to complete the circuit, thereby creating a current and providing usable electrical power to your appliances.  Although the electrons as particles move at a fairly slow pace, the electric field moves at the speed of light, so your appliances turn on right away.
Your intentions work much the same way.  The energy is already there.  You just need to get the current flowing in the right direction.  And this has virtually nothing to do with the actual content of your intentions.  Electricity doesn’t care whether it’s powering a computer or a coffee maker, nor does intentional energy care whether you’re building a business or a bomb." 
I hope this makes you consider the concept of the Law of Attraction in a different more understanding way.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand the gist of the topic but i'm still having difficulties on why it is called "The Law of Attraction". The concept is there and very clear but I think because you saw LOA it throws me off. If that makes sense.

    With that said, this blog post, along with many you will write, will help me tremendously throughout not only the semester but throughout my life. I'm very interested in reading more of your writings, keep it up!
